Denisa Schwarzová – Quality Control Buddy
- Tell me how you first got involved in with Greenbuddies?
I started working at Greenbuddies in March 2020 during the incipient Covid-19 pandemic, which in practice meant learning and operating from a home office environment.
- What might someone be surprised to know about you?
I enjoy music, I'm a singer-songwriter playing in a folk duo with a violinist, and from time to time I give concerts and sometimes organize my own musical events.
- What has surprised you most about working in Greenbuddies?
A friendly and human environment based on a partnership approach where every idea is welcome. In fact, I have only encountered this approach during my exchange studies in Norway.
- Tell me about someone who has influenced your decision to work in Greenbuddies?
Years ago, when I was deciding whether to leave my previous job and join Greenbuddies, a friend asked me what attracted me most about the company. I told her that even though it was a start-up at the moment, I felt the opportunity to be part of something big, and besides using foreign languages, I liked the idea of building a greener future.