
Summer Q&A with Greenbuddies

Summer Q&A with Greenbuddies

Greenbuddies Team
Q & A


In the current round of Q&A, we interviewed three more of our Buddies who are taking care of our partners' and clients' projects at different stages of the project cycle. This time we interviewed our Quality Control Buddy Denisa, Chief Finance Buddy Honza, and Procurement Buddy Jonáš. We wish you an inspiring reading!

Denisa Schwarzová – Quality Control Buddy

  • Tell me how you first got involved in with Greenbuddies?

I started working at Greenbuddies in March 2020 during the incipient Covid-19 pandemic, which in practice meant learning and operating from a home office environment.

  • What might someone be surprised to know about you?

I enjoy music, I'm a singer-songwriter playing in a folk duo with a violinist, and from time to time I give concerts and sometimes organize my own musical events.

  • What has surprised you most about working in Greenbuddies?

A friendly and human environment based on a partnership approach where every idea is welcome. In fact, I have only encountered this approach during my exchange studies in Norway.   

  • Tell me about someone who has influenced your decision to work in Greenbuddies?

Years ago, when I was deciding whether to leave my previous job and join Greenbuddies, a friend asked me what attracted me most about the company. I told her that even though it was a start-up at the moment, I felt the opportunity to be part of something big, and besides using foreign languages, I liked the idea of building a greener future.  

Jonáš Vrba – Procurement Buddy

  • What has surprised you most about working in Greenbuddies?

The dynamism with which people in Greenbuddies can handle a wide range of projects. It has also been surprising how many talented people work with me and how they are able to solve the issues that arise.

  • As a part of the PV team, what sorts of trends do you see?

I think the next trends will include bonded or flexible solar PV panel solutions. Further potential could be in Agri-PV, for example, or in the so-called Floating System, a solution that floats on water.

  • Tell me how you first got involved in with Greenbuddies?

After I joined, I started working on a project in the CT Park logistics park near Prague. Where the process of selecting the most suitable suppliers took place and then the operational solution of deliveries began. This experience confirmed that I want to continue in this sector.

Jan Martínek – Chief Finance Buddy

  • What was your first impression of Greenbuddies

My first feelings were very positive. I was surprised by the relatively decent level of internal processes in the company. Considering how fast and how big the company has grown over the last few years, this is an impressive feat. In general, one encounters a friendly working environment here. Non-hierarchical, openness, honesty, quick decision making, start-up spirit - it's not for everyone, but I personally find it very satisfying.

  • What's your personal philosophy on what should be done about Renewables/Solar industry?

Since my student days, I've felt strongly about environmental issues as something that concerns me deeply. Nowadays, when there is a clear scientific consensus that one of the essential tools to minimize the negative impacts of global climate change on the lives of future generations is to accelerate the construction of emission-free energy sources, there is only one thing to do: build, build, build. My personal and corporate visions are thus aligned. Recently, I have noticed that the social mood regarding renewables is gradually changing, and I believe this will continue. We don't really have a planet B yet...

  • What do you think will change about the PV world over the next five years?

There will certainly continue to be technological improvements in components, and there may even be leaps and bounds transforming the entire industry; the investment in this sector of the economy is significant and the potential is huge. We will face the limits of the distribution network, which will have to cope with the continuing decentralisation of power generation. If we are to meet the European targets on the road to zero-emission energy, the construction of photovoltaics will continue to accelerate, large-scale power plants will come on stream, more battery storage will be built, and there is also likely to be a boom in the construction of green hydrogen generation capacity within five years.



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