By 2025, it is estimated that there will be around 10 GW of floating solar systems worldwide. The largest systems are being built in Asia and this year a 320 MW floating PV park was commissioned in China, roughly ten times the size of the largest PV system on the ground in this country to date.
Europe is still lagging behind, although there are countries closer to harnessing water for photovoltaics, such as the Netherlands. Here there are several systems of around 10 MW and very recently 2 parks have been completed, one almost 30 MW and one over 40 MW large in Sellingen. Germany includes floating photovoltaics among its priorities for innovation support - so-called innovation tenders for floating solar power plants will also take place in April. In total, the Germans will support 50 MW in this round, but in smaller systems of up to 2 MW.