- What is the demand from German customers in general?
Generally speaking, the demand for PV systems in Germany is steadily increasing. This is also due to the subsidy programs in the field of photovoltaics. In my case, the PV sector is divided into rooftop systems, free-standing areas, and then carport systems and charging infrastructure, with the share of rooftop systems being the largest at the moment, but the demand for free-standing areas is also growing steadily, at least among my clients. And carports and charging systems are still relatively new, but we are already seeing demand for those as well.
In 2023, Germany became once again the largest solar market in the EU, leading in both annual and total installations with an increase of 14.1 GW during the year. The cumulative increment in Germany is now at 82.1 GW. This leading position has placed Germany not only at the top of the EU solar market year-on-year but also as the largest contributor to total capacity. The country is expected to continue to play a leading role in solar deployment among EU member states, with further installations of around 80 GWp planned by 2027.